Feb 16 - It Can be Done.

Fate, (or is it karma... or chance...?) has conspired to connect us with a delightful couple occupying an RV site right across the road from us at the SKP Saguaro RV Park in Benson Arizona. Dean and Carol have been on the road fulltiming in an RV for over 13 years. Like us, they have no fixed house that they call home. What they do have is a collection of kids scattered around the country... from east coast to west coast to Alaska. For the past 11 years they've lived in two different Class B van conversions... their current home being a Sprinter van converted by Sportsmobile.

As we contemplate a smaller and more nimble approach to our lifestyle (what we're calling Sabbatical II), these two came into our lives at a very propitious time. Our nagging doubts and concerns about living in a really small space... with all the compromises that will have to be made... have been an obstacle we've been scaling for some time. And that's why we seek out folks like Dean and Carol... to listen and learn about their experience with a small camper... what they like and don't like... what they've done right and what they'd do differently. Overall, they thoroughly enjoy their life on wheels... a fact that jumps out at you the moment you meet them.

They, like us, are better explorers than sitters. They've driven the Alcan Highway more than a dozen times. They're on the move, exploring and looking for adventure most of the time. In their opinion, the small RV gives them the flexibility... the nimbleness of being able to go almost anywhere whenever they want... with a minimum of hassle. They've made a science out of living simply, without non-essential things, and are always vigilant about creeping complexity. Even after all these years they consider their camper a work-in-process... making small modifications here and there to improve their ability to live comfortably in a small space.

We found them positively inspirational. They prove, to us, that it can be done. Our minds are now clearer... our fears have diminished and excitement and anticipation have grown exponentially.

This year we take our first steps toward a transition to Sabbatical II. For some background, check out my series from a year ago on our thoughts after Five Years.


  1. I love this, because while I'd love all of the space of a bigger rv--I wouldn't love driving one, so smaller is better to me. Everyone keeps telling us though that it's impossible to live in something that tiny. I don't think it is.

  2. Hello Dar & Thom. Tried emailing you, but came back undeliverable. See that you are in Tucson area now and would like to possibly meet up with you for a dinner or chat. We will be arriving on Feb 18 and staying at Justin Diamond RV Park (in SW Tucson). Been following your blog for a long time.


    Brett and Sharon Smith

  3. I like that phrase... creeping complexity... I got a BAD case of the Creeps! :)

    Heidi and I ran across a similar couple a year ago give or take up at Lees Ferry. They were out of Germany and wandering in a Diesel Volkswagon Bus!

    They'd been across Africa and MOST of the world in it!

    Simplification is a goal of mine... but my subconscious ability to complicate the simplified keeps getting in the way! :)

  4. Jackie... these two demonstrate living small can and is being done. Don't let others rain on your parade.

    Hi Hopes... not sure what the email problem is. I checked our email links on this page and they seem to be working for me (and at least some others recently). Our time in Tucson is going to be short and busy with relatives and friends... and we're leaving Tuesday. Try to minimize time in and around big cities. If you can get the email to work perhaps we can meet up at a future Arizona location in the next week or two.

    Cowboy Brian... Much of our need for space isn't so much for us as it is for our hobbies or toys. Solve that problem and you can live very small and very simply.

