
The temp made it to 52f yesterday… and it should be about that again today. The snow-cover is essentially gone. And as the snow melts, so too does it’s masking effects. Where last week a bank of plowed snow existed, today, there’s a line of jetsam on both sides of our streets and more throughout the yards. This debris collects during the winter, some of it blown out of trash and recycle bins, some blown into our neighborhood from less caring neighborhoods nearby. It all lays about, accumulates, is covered by snow, and waits until spring to emerge exactly when we’re trying to sell a house!
So it goes. After my daily constitutional yesterday, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I grabbed one of my blue recycle bins and headed out around the neighborhood, picking up discarded cans, plastic bottles, one big whiskey bottle (empty — I think I know which neighbor it belonged to), and anything else that made the subdivision look trashy. The neighbors, of course, were watching me. Convinced, and saddened probably, that my retirement had degenerated into this… picking up cans for a little cash. I could almost hear the tsks’s from Mrs. Kravitz.
We both spent some time getting the house ready today, although we had no showings scheduled. A late breakfast was in order, but since the kitchen can’t be messed with, it was over to Papa G’s in Elburn. We did then get a showing for 3:30, so Dar and I went over the Peck Farm and Mill Creek for a long walk. It felt spring-like and we enjoyed it.
More waiting….

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