We signed an offer on our house tonight — the Ides of March! I
hope it turns out better for us than it did for Caesar. If all goes
well, we should close near the end of June. I don’t know why I’m
not more excited — (perhaps I’ve been over-doing it with the
vacuuming)? I feel like celebrating now… but there’s more work to
do, more hurdles to cross, still so many things that could
go wrong. So when do I celebrate? now? or when the home inspection is
done and the issues are handled? or when the buyer’s loan approval
process is complete? or when the buyer’s townhome sells? or when
we’re a week away from closing and everything seems like we’re on
a glidepath to a clean close? or, when we actually close and the cash
is in the bank? I fear that if I wait until closing… the end of the
process… I’ll have little energy left. The celebration might be
two fingers of scotch and a nap!
It’s only been a little over two weeks, but it feels much
longer. Our Realtor, Ginny Sylvester, has been a real trooper and has
really helped us through the process. We’ve sold homes before and
often we’ve seen “our” agent when we signed
the listing agreement, and then had to get re-acquainted with him/her
at closing: (”so nice to see you… what did you say your name was
again??… Oh yes, that’s right, I knew I’d met you somewhere
before”). Ginny has been different. She brought in an interior
decorator to help get the home in showroom condition. She helped move
things around, put the right things on the walls, in the right
places. She’s made sure we’re ready for every showing. She’s
called with feedback from the showings. She’s shepherded a bunch of
other agents through the house, plied with cheap wine and a drawing,
so they can experience it first hand and perhaps, bring back the
right buyer. I can’t say enough about her. She’s a breath of
fresh air in an increasingly musty, stagnant world.
So, the clock’s ticking. Keep your fingers crossed. Nudge me
when it’s over.
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