A Day at Home

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 -- Hopkins, MI

This morning I got up early, made coffee, and headed for the bathroom... WAIT JUST A DOGGONE MINUTE! NOT THAT MUCH DETAIL! You said you're not going to get so detailed -- no one wants to read that kind of detail. Please start again.

OK. Clear head. Take a deep breath. Here we go...

We woke this morning to a light rain. And a cool breeze wafting in from the open windows in the bedroom. The hypnotizing sound of the rain tapping on the roof puts one back to sleep... over and over again... no where to go... nothing to get up for... it's ok to roll over, punch the pillow, and drop into light unconsciousness... again and again... the cool quiet air... pull the covers up a little more. Thus was the start of the day for Dar.

There was nowhere to go today, no schedule. Just an off day. We wanted to do some cleaning, a ton of laundry, and get caught up with the "admin" things that have been put off. We did pick up a few groceries and made dinner on the grill.

We're beginning to feel like we're really fulltiming now.

Tomorrow, we're off to the Michigan wine country to seek out some adventure from squeezed and fermented grapes.


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