
Thursday, July 19, 2007 -- Hopkins, MI

A short post today as we stayed close to home yesterday. A cold-front came through and the high dew points experienced on Tuesday and Wednesday dropped into the 50's by Thursday night resulting in much more comfortable sleeping conditions. During the day I activated our Sirius satellite radio so we'll be able to get consistent radio broadcasts wherever we go. But we're still holding off on the satellite TV -- just haven't felt the need yet. I dug out the Canon DSLR camera and took some pictures around Hidden Ridge. A few of them made it to the online photo collection.

Friday we're heading up to Holland and Grand Haven after Dar's hair-do appointment in the morning. Thought we'd take the bikes along as there are supposed to be some great trails in that area.

Saturday will be a work-day, at least part of the day. We're exchanging a little landscaping work at Dar's sister's place for dinner.

That's it for today.


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