Chore Day

Friday, November 16, 2007 -- A. H. Stephens State Historic Park

Woke to near freezing temps this morning, but I'm learning how to deal with them. Our little electric heater is quite useful on cold nights and it does a reasonable job at keeping the coach at a good sleeping temperature -- low to mid 60's. Didn't need the coach's LP furnace until this morning when a quick kick to 68f was desired. Dar's learning how to deal with cold too -- she stays in bed, under 12 pounds of blankets and comforters, until I get the camper up to 68f, coffee made, and the sun comes out.

I checked the government's climate prediction center website and found they're predicting warmer than normal temps for the South this winter. Hmmm. Then I checked the Original Farmers Almanac website and found they're predicting a colder than normal winter for the same area. Recent experience has me leaning toward going with the Farmers Almanac on this one. I'm keeping my eye on the extended forecast so we can move south in the event real winter shows up.

Yesterday was a chore day... laundry, grocery shopping, sweep off the camper. Sweep off the camper?? We're parked in a predominantly pine woods, a common thing in the South. This time of the year the pine trees shed needles. (It's fall, Thom! What do you expect?) OK, it's not just the fact that they're shedding needles... it's the incredible volume. The car, the bus, everything, is just covered. Especially on windy days like yesterday. From inside the bus it sounds like big raindrops hitting the roof. So, to keep the excess weight off the awnings, I climbed up and swept the top of the camper. The day was a little more blustery and cloudy than we're used to, so it was a good day to get some chores done.

Today is history day. We're going to take in the A. H. Stephens home and museum. If we have time Dar'd like to drive to some other nearby towns where she said there are some interesting pre-civil war homes and buildings. Based on what I've seen of this area so far not much has been done since Sherman left in 1864.

Late last night I had faster internet so I uploaded some new pictures to our photo collection.

That's the news for today.


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