Drive to Great Falls

Friday, May 30, 2008 -- Great Falls, MT

I'll tell you what, our drive through the mountains yesterday between Helena and Great Falls in Montana was one of the most spectacular I've done. There are about 30 miles of twisting, winding road where I-15 makes it's way through rows of steep-sided mountains showing off their layers of varying and colorful rock. We heard ourselves exclaiming out loud: "wow", "look at that", "amazing".

This area is near what Lewis & Clark referred to as the Gates of the Mountains -- where the Missouri River cut it's own path through these mountains. The Gang was headed West when they first passed through here, and the "Gates" were greeting them to the Rocky Mountains. We, on the other hand, are headed East. As we drove through this area the "Gates" were closing behind us as we left the Northwest and the mountains. Ahead lies broad, flat plains -- "big sky" country. I'm not sure how soon we'll be back, but I'm already looking forward to it.

Today, Friday, Dar's working on a project and I'm reading and writing. We may get over to the L&C Interpretive Center today... but we may not. We'll see how it goes.


1 comment:

  1. We are just off 15 at Clark's Canyon and will be doing this drive shortly. We were looking forward to it, but after reading this can hardly wait/
