The Third "Hook" Day

Wednesday, May 7, 2008 -- Memaloose State Park near The Dalles Oregon

No one was moving quickly this morning -- or anxious to get the bus-house on the road. But eventually, after more coffee than either of us needed, things started to come together and we had everything in travel-ready condition by a little after 11am. Daughter Andrea brought Ryan and Evan over to make sure our "grandkids" tank was topped off. I was just going through the motions, like in a daze, you know?

After we were all set to go, in a typical display of procrastination, I proposed we should all have lunch together! Yeah, that's it, lunch! We've got to eat something anyway. We've got to keep our nourishment up. So off we went to Burgerville (a wonderful local fast food chain) and stretched out our time together a bit more.

By 1pm, we just couldn't delay any more. Now we had the clock pushing us too. So we hooked up the toad, shed a few tears, waved, and blew the air-horns a few times... and we were on the way.

I suspected we wouldn't be moving until early afternoon so picked a state park less than 100 miles up the road. Memaloose State Park is right along the banks of the Columbia River. It's a place for us to take a day or two to put ourselves emotionally back together again and to re-immerse in the journals of the Lewis & Clark Gang -- the theme for the next two months.

Along the way today, we made a big "hook" to the East -- the point at which our predominant direction of travel changes to a new major point on the compass. Last November we hooked from the South to the West in South Carolina. Then, in California at the end of February, we hooked from traveling West to a Northerly direction. And today, it was from Northly to Easterly. I don't know what to think about all this. It's almost like the corners of a racetrack. Are we racing around the country when we should be meandering? Hmmm?

Oh, and we needed fuel today. With today's prices, planning where to re-fill is becoming increasingly important to our budget. For example, here in the Northwest, fuel is more costly in Washington than the surrounding states due to taxation. By topping off the tank in Oregon this afternoon, (at 4.20!!!! a relative bargain!) we should be able to cross much of Washington and Idaho before needing to fill again in Montana, another state that has lower fuel tax and below average prices. Knowing your range and how states tax fuel can save a few bucks.

I'm tired. Till tomorrow...


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