New Lake Discovered

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 -- Near Three Lakes, MI

Dar's been spending her spare moments working on the hundreds of pictures from the last few weeks, culling out the bad ones, adding comments, and getting ready to upload them to our online photo collection. Not wanting to add pressure and stress to her life, I think it'll be a few days yet before they're available for viewing. Our internet connection may also slow things down a bit as it's not as fast as we'd like for uploading pictures.

After a slow start to the day yesterday, Monday, we dragged the canoe out and headed out for an afternoon of exploration. The day was sunny and there was no wind -- perfect canoeing weather. The highlight of the expedition was our successful transit of the creek between Lake Beaufort and Lake George, the lake just to the north of us. This creek is a low wetland with a number of winding channels throughout. If we were to make it through to Lake George we'd have to find and follow the main channel. There were only a few wrong turns as we felt our way along... at times in water two or three feet deep and at other times scraping the sand bottom and using our paddles as poles to push our way to deeper water.


Visibility is limited by the tall marsh grasses and reeds. There were tight turns and sandbars, and two small private road bridges that we passed under, one of which was so low we had to lay down in the canoe to keep our hats in place. But after a half-hour or so we successfully entered Lake George. Now that we know it can be done, we'll spend more time over there checking out the natives and their homes and cabins around this new (to us) lake.


A late evening sauna -- a good sweat to soothe aching muscles -- and I was ready for the sack. There was no reading before bed last night.


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