U.P. North Today

Thursday, August 14, 2008 -- near Beaver Dam, WI

The weather looks good for travel today... sunny, low wind (although it'll be a headwind of course!), with a high temp of only 76f. This has been a cool summer according to the weather service with many locations around the Midwest yet to have the first 90f degree day. But I'm not complaining as I prefer cool to hot.

We're experiencing that old "transplant" problem in getting ready to go today. When we stay some place for more than just a week or two, virtual roots grow down into the earth and grow deeper and thicker with each passing day. While the mind says "come on... let's go already!" these roots have to be dealt with. But the bus-house has had enough power to pull these roots out of the ground and move us on to new unexplored places.

The drive today will be a bit less than 300 miles, so we'll be wanting to get started earlier than normal for us. If we're on the road by 10am, we should be arriving at Camp Soldner just in time for a late happy hour and dinner.


1 comment:

Gage said...

Hey Thom its nice to see some more regular postings again on your website. I have you RSS'd and check with my morning coffee to see whats going on. Sounds like the wedding was a success and Andrea/boys had a great visit. I am still waiting for your wedding weekend photo gallery. Ryan sure looked cute in his wedding duds. I really enjoyed the "Mission Accomplished" post. Safe travels and what's next after the U.P. North?

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