Wedding Preparations

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Our son, Justin, and his betrothed, Kaytlyn, are getting married this weekend. Family and friends are anticipating a good time and looking forward to helping with a happy start to their life together. They've handled most of the wedding preparations by themselves, and being financially conservative, they decided on a small uncomplicated affair... except that the father of the groom has been directed to wear a tux. A TUX? I'm not a tux kind of guy, but just as I've tried to keep a low profile during the past few weeks of final preparations, I'm smart enough to know the "tux-issue" isn't the one I was going to make a stink about. Just wait till you see the pictures!

Our daughter, Andrea, is bringing our two great grandkids for the special event. "Wait", you say... "you couldn't possibly have great grandkids! You're far too young!" Well you'd be wrong on both counts... I'm not all that young and I do have two of the greatest grandkids ever. We're awaiting their arrival later today. All the family in Beaver Dam is excited to see little Evan for the first time. And none of them will be able to comprehend how young Ryan could have grown from an infant to a young man in just three short years. The next few days will be a warm and exciting time for everyone.

Dar and I were married in August of 1972. It was 98 degrees in the shade, no breeze, and about 105% humidity... and not an air conditioner to be found... anywhere. When you plan a wedding in August in Wisconsin, there's always a chance you'll have to deal with tropical weather. I've always believed that the heat I was feeling that day did more to prepare me for married life than anything else I could have done. But, alas, it doesn't look like Justin and Kaytlyn will have the same learning experience I had. The advanced forecast for wedding day is mid-70's, low humidity, mostly sunny, and no chance for rain. In other words, perfect. I kinda feel sorry for them.


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