A Hitch Switch

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Orlando, FL

Yesterday we pulled up jacks at Ho-Hum RV Park and continued the trek eastward. It was a 200 mile drive along quiet desolate coastline, boggy wetlands, pine forest, and hilly horse-country. We followed US-98 to US-19 at Perry, then through Fanning Springs, and Chiefland where we picked up US-27 for the ride into Ocala, FL.

A couple months ago I became aware that the trailer hitch and receiver on the bus-house was the subject of a recall. Apparently, the company that made it screwed up, didn't make some parts to spec, and when it all came to light, went out of business, leaving Spartan Motors (the manufacturer of the bus-house chassis) holding the bag. About 1000 hitches on motorhomes all over the country had to be replaced. I reckon that costs a few bucks.

Over the past week or so I've been researching a good service shop to make the change and coordinating the part, and us, being somewhere at the same time to get the job done. Well, it all came together in Ocala at Cummins Power South. They specialize in motorhome repair and service and had a good reputation from what I could gather from various sources on the internet. And they even have a 10 space RV parking area complete with 50amp power and fresh water at each site. They offer this as a no-charge convenience to their customers and we were glad to take advantage of it.

This morning the "hitch switch" was completed... without a hitch (meaning no-problems). We had a bit more time so I asked them to change the oil and filter in our generator too. Even with that we were done and out of there before noon.

Then it was only about 80 miles down I-75 and the Florida Turnpike to our campsite in the Orlando area. We're staying at Turkey Lake Park near the junction of the Turnpike and I-4, and only a few miles from the venue for Dar's conference.

Let's see, while Dar's at the conference should I do Disney World?.. Universal Studios?.. SeaWorld?... the Space Coast?... the celebrity wax museum? Hmmm.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Orlando, right in the middle of SPRING BREAK!

    Opt for Sea World, it has the most improvements and bang for your buck!

    Hope you like crowds.

    Since we live in Central Florida our weekend escapes are over in Crystal River area at Elite Resorts, formerly Rock Crusher Campground, for some peace and quiet we're headed there next weekend before I head to Alaska for two weeks!

    Enjoy Orlando, any questions ask away.
