A New Blogger

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Summerdale, AL

We went nowhere today. The toad rested... is stone cold from the lack of travel. What I did do was transition The RV Sabbatical Blog over to a new bogging software provider... Blogger. I was having problems with the previous supplier -- Yahoo! -- and decided to make the switch now rather than wait for serious problems to crop up later.

The new blog is still called The RV Sabbatical Journal, and it's still available from the links/menus on www.tdhoch.com, our website front page. Most of our readers will notice nothing except for a new look. Only those who created a link or set up a shortcut directly to the old blog will have to change the address that link or shortcut points to. For you guys, the address of the new blog is tdhoch.blogspot.com.

I moved over all posts from this year, 2009. But all posts from previous years are NOT available on the new blog. I've got them, in a big PDF file, but they won't be available, ever, on the new platform. For a while longer the old blog, and all the old posts, will still be available at the old address, but I don't know how long that will last. Dar's trying to talk me into putting a link to those old things on our front page. I'll see if I get around to it.

Tomorrow we're planning on driving over to the Pensacola Naval Air Station and visiting the Naval Air Museum. Then, we hope to get back early, and prepare for moving from Summerdale to points east on Tuesday.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Thom,

    Welcome to blogger. It seems to be a pretty good free service, I have been using it for almost 2 years now without many problems. bummer that yahoo wasn't keeping up with Wordpress updates. Glad to see your out adventuring again. We have wonderful weather up here right now also (supposed to be 78 today). Time to start cutting the grass.
