A Wet Week

Thursday, April 02, 2009
Summerdale, AL

Well, it's been a wet week here in "L.A." -- "Lower Alabama" as the locals call it with a smirk on their face. March is normally a wet month for this part of the country and this year we just happened to be here for one of the really exceptional ones. The weather service has the past week's rainfall total for this area in the 10 to 15 inch range, a good portion of which fell just last Friday night. Average precipitation for the entire month of March is usually about 7 inches.

We're in a pattern of one nice day followed by a couple three rainy ones. It's easy to complain but I've found myself learning to live with it. Other than head on down the road to somewhere else which may not be any better, there's not much I can do about it anyway. So if I can't be outside exploring or soaking up sunshine I'll find a comfortable place, a warm drink, and a good book to keep me occupied. It's a state of mind.

All the down time has given me an opportunity to get our taxes done and filed, as well as some other nagging bookwork chores that I've been seriously procrastinating about. By the time we leave here I should be pretty much caught up on that sort of thing. Of course, Dar still has a bunch of photo albums to arrange and upload. Let's cut her a break considering what she's been through the past couple weeks.

Speaking of Dar, she's almost back to 100%. But now my allergies are giving me fits again. It seems if my day starts out with sniffles and sneezes, it get's progressively worse during the day and, often, by mid-afternoon, I can be a basket-case and the poster-boy for Zyrtec ads. On the other hand, if I can freely breathe and have no symptoms when I awake I'll be fine all day. One day one extreme, the next day the other. Go figure.

Yesterday we had lunch with Kay & Doug Brue, friends off ours from our stay at Sandollar a year ago during the Christmas Holidays. They are really intrepid explorers having live for 6 years on a sailboat and some years since then in RV's. They're full of stories and have a wealth of knowledge about the wandering lifestyle. We thoroughly enjoy the time we spend with them.

From Lambert's Cafe

In the next day or two, if the weather cooperates, we're going to explore the Gulf Shores area and the peninsula west of there, out to Fort Morgan. There are some wonderful beaches out that way and it'd be great to get a little sun and fun, not to mention maybe a picnic?, at the beach.

Before we leave here Monday or Tuesday, I'd like to also visit the National Naval Aviation Museum at the Pensacola Naval Air Station. [http://www.navalaviationmuseum.org/Home.aspx] Being a real aviation buff I find it hard to pass by collections of old airplanes, especially one as good as this.


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