A Work Day

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Carrabelle, FL

There have been a number of projects, little tasks really, that have been giving both of us gas... and I mean full-fledged heartburn natural-methane flatulent GAS. These little administrative and paper-work things have been dogging us, following us around, waking us up at night, and biting down on our meaty-parts anytime we thought we'd procrastinated the dang things away. NO WAY! "You're not going to forget about me... oh no... Not that easy!"

When we woke to clouds and a wet-rainy-feeling morning it seemed like a great day to get these jobs done... finished... acompli... outa-here. So we did. We're both paying bills, following up on insurance questionnaires, entering expenses into our budget tracker, updating this and that, applying for this and that, and on and on... until we looked up, about 2pm, and saw the sun was out. It was a beautiful day. There was very little wind. It was warm. People were milling around... wondering why there's no evidence of life around the Newmar motorhome we call the Bus-House.

So there won't be much of a blog entry today. We did eventually get out, walk around, talk to neighbors and re-assure them that we're still alive. And my fingers are tired from "key-punching" all day long. We got a lot done, but it'll be early to bed tonight.


1 comment:

  1. Rumor has it that I-10 is flooded in places so be careful if heading on that road east!

    Previous posts you mentioned allergies, try stining nettle, it is all nature and works wonders for allergies, my doctor recommended it and I am a HUGE allergy sufferer here in Florida.
    GNC has it 500 mg.

    Enjoying following your travels, DH is in MI picking up our new 5r, we aren't full time yet but that is our goal!
