South Carolina Family and Friends

Saturday, May 2, 2009
York, SC.

We left Magnolia Springs State Park yesterday morning, May Day, and had just a great calm drive to the Columbia, SC. area. From Millen we cut over to Sylvania on GA-21 where we picked up US-301 northbound into South Carolina. At Orangeburg, SC., we left US-301 for US-601 which took us up the east side of Columbia and not too far from my Cousin Deb's place. It was another easy drive of about 100 miles, and today a combination of light traffic, favorable winds, nice sunny day, and excellent roads made the drive even easier than normal.

From SC Homes

Despite having us stay at her place before, in the late fall of 2007, she welcomed us once again. I guess we didn't totally wear out our welcome last time. But then, what are cousin's for anyway??

Well she and Mitch, her friend, fed us and entertained us until late in the evening. Mitch, who we hadn't met before was curious about our lifestyle and that was the basis for much of the conversation. But we did get around to other subjects, some controversial, and I decided I really like this guy. He a genuine conversationalist who truly listens and knows how to ask the right question at the right time. Along with Deb, they make a great couple. Thanks you guys for a wonderful visit.

The next morning we all slept in before hanging out on the front porch, enjoying the morning. About 11am we started getting the bus-house ready for travel and by shortly after noon we were continuing on our way to the home of our friends Tim and Chris near York, SC.

The route had us continuing north on US-601 to Lugoff where we picked up SC-34 westbound to I-77. I'm less enamored all the time with Interstate Highway travel but I wanted to stop at the Flying J Truck Stop near Rock Hill and top off our tank with that cheap (relatively speaking) South Carolina fuel. I was able to cram in almost 40 gallons at just $2.01/gallon.

Not far up the road we cut over to Tim and Chris's house where we found them waiting and making final preparations for our arrival. First on the agenda was getting the big ol' bus-house into it's designated spot in a clearing in their woods affectionately called "the meadow". This involves backing a short ways down their driveway with trees fairly tight on both sides, then making a hard backing left hand turn a bit downhill and into the meadow where we end up sitting at a 90 degree angle to the driveway. After leveling and rolling the slides out we got together for happy hour and dinner.

From SC Homes

We plan to be here for about a week.


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