#33 Oklahoma

Tonight will be our first night in Oklahoma since the start of our fulltiming project. In case you've forgotten, we have some pretty strict rules about what qualifies as a visit. But the requirements have been met and we can now put that 33rd notch in the bus-house's steering wheel.

We'll never get the bus-house to Hawaii, so that means there's 49 States that we can visit during our sabbatical. If I subtract 33 from 49, hmmm, let's see... that'd be 16 States still to go. And there's much more to explore in most of the States we've already visited. And then there's Canada. So much to do... so little time!

Today we left Palo Duro State Park. As I drove the bus-house out of the Canyon, Dar stayed behind to take pictures of the climb. The morning light was good and we have several candidates that may work as a header photo here on the RV Sabbatical Journal Blog in the near future.

Our route today took us out of the Park on SR-217 to I-27 North to Amarillo where we caught I-40 East. We normally prefer to stay off I-roads but Dar wanted information on Oklahoma and our best chance of finding an Oklahoma Welcome Center was along I-40. And we found one just 10 miles inside the border -- a wonderful facility, just 2 years old, and chock-full of exactly what Dar wanted.

Neither of us felt like a long day today, so we followed a lead and found a campsite on a small lake just south of Elk City, OK. It's a park operated by Elk City. They have 5 camping sites, reasonably large asphalt back-ins, right along the lakeshore with 30amp power for $o per night. That's right, it's free. There's a three night maximum stay but how's that for a deal? The water isn't turned on yet (remember winter?) but we had brought our own... always like to travel with at least a couple days worth of fresh water. And tonight, at least, we're the only ones here.

Under a big bright full moon, the silence is deafening...