Big Weekend in Beaver Dam

Oh yes! It was quite a weekend here in our little home town of Beaver Dam. And the weather-gods provided nearly perfect early summer conditions for it all.

The local Chamber of Commerce's Taste of Wisconsin was held Saturday afternoon on a blocked-off portion of Spring Street in downtown Beaver Dam. The focus was craft beer and craft cheeses -- dozens and dozens of them, all from the State of Wisconsin. And what an interesting collection of tastes it was. Nothing bland or pedestrian was permitted -- no Velveeta or Cheese Whiz or Bud Lite. From what I could observe, the attendees were mostly daring adventurous types who savor bold gustatory sensations. And they pretty much got what they were looking for. Smiles and good-natured conversations all around. It was a great way to spend a summer Saturday afternoon.

 And Sunday was Father's Day. My Mom & Dad hosted a small family gathering at their home to celebrate a couple birthdays in addition to the father's day thing. Mom prepared a great turkey dinner complete with mash'd potatoes, gravy, veggies, a strawberry-pineapple salad, and a cake for all the honorees. The normal quick banter and laughter that characterizes our family gatherings started before dinner and continued well into the evening. Family gatherings just don't get much better than this.

In the photo above... (left to right) Thom, Dar, brother Bill, Mom, Dad, sister Jan, and brother-in-law Dave.

Other things of note this week:  besides summer solstice, the day with the most daylight during the year, I have an appointment to have a problematic tooth removed -- pulled, yanked, YEOW!  I'm not a strong person when it comes to anything dental or medical, so I'll be real happy when Friday roles around and that's all behind me.

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