We interrupt this series of posts about completing 3 years on the road with this short post:
Tomorrow, Wednesday the 14th, is moving day for our intrepid explorers. Sadly, our time here in Beaver Dam has come to an end. During the past few days we've had a few tearful "goodbyes" always with the rejoinder that, considering how fast time flies by, we'll be back in just a few months. "You'll hardly know we're gone." For sure we'll be back here again next May for another special celebration. Beaver Dam will always be considered our hometown and will always occupy a special place in our hearts. Thanks to everyone who helped make our stay so enjoyable.
Our plan Wednesday, after we depart Beaver Dam, is to head south and then east, circumnavigating as much of the Chicago Metroplex as we can (have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy big city traffic?) before heading into Indiana and Southern Michigan. Our goal is the Kalamazoo area, where Dar wants to visit her favorite Sister Cher, not to mention half a basement full of her (Dar's) stuff that Cher is graciously storing for her. We're planning to be there for a few days, certainly through the weekend.
When we arrive in K-zoo, and after I indulge in the traditional bottle of "arrival ale", I'll update the Journal with notes about our big day's drive. It'll be over 360 miles... a huge day for us, especially considering that we're out of practice. The weather looks favorable so we should be able to knock it out in about 7 hours or so.
And I won't forget about the 4th post in the series mentioned above... our thoughts after 3 years on the future of our nomadic lifestyle as fulltimers. Getting ready to depart has been the priority the past few days.
Back on the road again...
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