While weekend crowds are filling the Park, we're taking a couple days to catch up with all the photos, a video production, and some writing that have backlogged from recent explorations. And a little relaxation and "kicking back" ain't a bad idea either. Stay-at-home days like these are also conducive to better eating. Last night Dar made a wonderful iteration of her alfredo primavera pasta -- loaded with all the veggies we had stashed in the fridge. Yumm!
You might want to check out a couple recent Glacier Park photo albums on our online photo gallery. The one titled "Going to the Sun" really took a lot of work. Dar had to cull through 470 photos from two cameras... couldn't get the "saves" any lower than 175, of which 54 are online. She tells me that a lot of great photos from that day ended up in the trash bin. This is the album with more great photos of our encounter with the Bighorn Sheep and Mountain Goats. I believe you'll enjoy the view almost as much as we did.
I played with a couple video clips we took on our drive up Going to the Sun Road on Friday. After adding titles and getting it formatted for internet viewing, I uploaded it to YouTube. It's easily viewed on our video page right here on the TDHoch website. I wanted to give viewers a taste of the experience of traveling along one of the most amazing roads in the USA.
I also put up three links to some excellent Glacier Park webcams on the photo page on our website. The quality of these images is so much better than many of the webcams out in cyber-land. I thought some of you might like to see what's going on in the park in near-real-time. These images are updated every minute or so. In the next few days we're going to stand in front of the camera at Apgar Village and wave to whoever might be watching.
As I write this on Sunday... about noon... it's raining lightly. I've got some outside chores to do, but the rain helps keep my guilt about not being out there doing 'em in check. I'm warm, the rain is pattering on the roof, I'm getting my inside chores done... life is good.
Haven't taken a nap lately... might give it a try this afternoon.
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