Chased by Weather Again?

Last year, on our way south from the Northwest, a series of weather disturbances kept us moving along, pushing us, until we got to southeastern New Mexico. The issue was being in the high-country during the late fall, where temps and precipitation fall in unpredictable ways sometimes.

As I look at the prognostications from the weather-folk for the next week I wonder if we're starting the same pattern again. Our rather nice and dry autumn of the last few weeks looks like it's coming to a screeching halt about this coming Friday afternoon, with rain likely for the following 4 or 5 days. We're scheduled to leave Saturday of course. Consultations with the safety director and our family may move this up a day. We'll see how the vote turns out.

When we do leave we'll be heading up the Columbia River Gorge to get to the eastern side of the Cascades, and then south through Central Oregon. Along the way we'd like to maybe visit Crater Lake National Park -- haven't been there for over 20 years.. After cutting off a corner of California we'll find a good two lane road that heads south through Nevada. We do have to be in the Las Vegas area by the 9th or 10th as Dar is going to fly back to Wisconsin for a weekend from there. And that means I'll be in LV for 5 whole days by myself. Dar's worried I'll gamble away the nest-egg.

Today, Tuesday, Dar and I will be working on getting more chores done and getting the bus-house ready to roll -- whatever day that turns out to be.



Paul and Marti Dahl said...

I think we should follow your travels and go in the opposite direction then we'll always have good weather! ;c)

The Rambler said...

Sounds like you will be traveling south on Highway 97. Just south of Crater Lake on Highway 97 is Collier Memorial State Park, where we are volunteering, and I would highly recommend for a place to camp. It closes for the season on Oct 31. Look us up, we're in sight 2A.

Thom Hoch said...

Paul and Marti... or just be a few days ahead of us. Either way you're pretty much guaranteed sunny warm days.

Rambler... Thanks for the comment. You're right, we're coming down 97 and had been thinking about spending a few days at Collier. We'll certainly look you up.

A Minimalist

A Minimalist A blog post I've recently been involved with helping to clear out the living spaces of someone who died. These are a few of...

Slightly Better than Most