Northwest Nevada

This morning, Friday, we find ourselves in Fernley, NV. We're at the Desert Rose RV Park which we'll use as our base for the next week.

The drive from Standish CA. yesterday was quick and pleasant... just a little over 100 miles. The route on US-395 took us into Reno and then east on I-80 along the Truckee River. The town of Fernley is about 30 miles east of Reno and certainly more rural in feel... you know how much I like crowding and congestion.

We decided to plant ourselves here for a week. Among the possible things-to-do are Lake Tahoe, Carson City (Nevada's State Capital), Virginia City (see what Ben, Hoss, Adam, and Little Joe are up to), and Pyramid Lake. We could also use some soaking up sun time.

Digging through the drawer looking for my shorts...

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