Weekend Trial

Trial by fire… this certainly isn’t going to be just a drill… no, it’s the real thing! This is shaping up to be an all grandkids all the time weekend… up close and very personal.

You see, our daughter and son-in-law, Andrea and Gage, are getting away for the weekend… sans kids. We gifted them with this weekend babysitting gig for their anniversary in August -- a good sounding gift, I thought, one they probably wouldn’t take us up on (wink). But I was wrong.

Don’t get me wrong, we love being with the kids, but we like it more when Mom and Dad are around to handle the more, how do you say…, messy chores, and we can just hang out and spoil the heck out of ‘em until we have to go home.

But, alas, they called our bluff and we’re mentally preparing ourselves for the task at hand… watching over one 5-ish and one 2-ish year old boys… keeping them healthy, fed, clean, and safe for two whole days. In theory, this will be big job, one that requires a lot of energy and complete concentration. In reality, we’ll love it.

During the next two days I may journal more -- if we get a break or have any energy left at the end of the day.

Have a great time at the beach Andi and Gage! The boys are in good hands.