Rolling Downhill to the Coastal Bend

Yesterday, Sunday, we moved from the Escapees RV Park near Hondo, TX. to a new-ish RV Park near Aransas Pass that we thought we'd try on for size for a couple days. It was an easy and agreeable 190 mile downhill drive to the Coastal Bend of Texas... and it felt good to be back. The Aransas Pass location is perfect for Dar to wrap up all the preliminary employment stuff at the hospital, as it's almost right next door. She'll get that done today, and tomorrow we'll head on over to Sandollar, just 15 miles away, to begin our long winter camp.

Three months is a long time for us to be sitting in one place, but we'll both be busy. Besides work (Dar at the hospital; me on a long list of bus-house chores and a writing project), we have our Sandollar friends to make sure we're not bored. And if one has to sit someplace for the core of Winter... this is one of the best places to be as far as we're concerned. The unpretentious and laid-back nature of the Coastal Bend is so comfortable... it really has become our winter home.

After parking and getting set up yesterday, I pulled out the ladder and went to work on the front end of the bus-house. A couple months in the desert have left the whole camper looking dirty, dusty, and sad. My objective was to clean the front-end so we could snap the big windshield sunscreen up as soon as we pull into our south-facing site at Sandollar tomorrow. This sunscreen does a great job at controlling UV and heat... almost a necessity when parked with the front end pointing south, and I hate putting it on over a dirty windshield. So having it all ready to go is one less thing to do tomorrow.

Almost home...

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