I've been bothered by my journalling dryspell of late. As during traveling breaks in the past, there just hasn't been much I've wanted to say and, thus, I'm lucky if I get one entry posted per week. My days along the Coastal Bend of Texas meld together to the point where days become weeks and then months before I'm really aware of it.
But traveling and exploring will resume in early April... just a bit over 4 of those short weeks from now. I'm already looking at routes and alternatives for the next leg of our sabbatical project and getting more excited each day. We're thinking about heading generally east to visit long-neglected good friends near York SC. before heading back to Wisconsin for a number of family commitments in May.
The hospital where Dar works isn't as swamped with business was it was a few weeks ago, and she's had more time off the past week than she's had since starting in early January. While that would seem to indicate a general wave of health is flowing over the Coastal Bend, a bunch of people we know have been knocked down for several days by a nasty intestinal bug of some kind. Dar and I have been spared to this point, and we're taking steps to keep it that way.
We just took delivery of a new Wilson Sleek Cellphone Signal Booster and I'm pretty impressed with it after an initial "test drive" this morning. In days gone by most cell phones came with an antenna jack that could be used to hook the phone up to a signal booster and external antenna for better performance in weak areas. But, for whatever reason, Verizon, AT&T, et. al., aren't very keen on aiding and abetting their customer's ability to boost signals, and the days of the external antenna jack on new cell phone handsets is about over. But the Wilson Sleek doesn't need the jack... capturing and boosting the signals passively through the use of some technology magic. After a few minutes of messing around with it this morning, I'm pleased that, so far, it seems to perform as advertised. The Sandollar RV Park is in a very weak Verizon area, but the Sleek is boosting our Verizon signal by a full two bars. I'd say the Sleek is pretty slick.
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