Oct 30 - Weekend Update

This past Friday we got word that our number had come up and we'd snagged a real camp site here at Park Sierra. I'm talking a genuine, bonafide, double rectified, full hookup, level site with landscaping, privacy, friendly neighbors, and views of the surrounding valley. How does life get any better than this?

So we moved from our not-so-bad boondocking site, plugged in to ample 50amp power, and quickly settled in to the new surroundings. We've met our neighbors and figured out where our other buddies (Jimmy and Julianne; Fred and Lynne) are now residing relative to us in this crazy maze of twisted and interwoven roads, campsites, hills, and dales. It's a wonder to me how quickly a new place can become home.

During the past few days we not only didn't go into Yosemite (to avoid crowds), we never once even started the Toad... not even to run into town for bread or milk or gas or anything. I did get a workout riding the park's roads with my bike... can't remember when I've spend so much peddling time in low/low gear.

Now that the relaxed weekend is over, it's time to get back to the work of serious exploration again. Tomorrow, Monday, our intrepid explorers are off again, into Yosemite, and into some corner we've not yet experienced. Stay tuned for what they find...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like tough work, all that exploring. Good to know you're up to the challenge.

    Just don't get lost in those far away corners! :c)
