Jan 16 - Turds, Birds, and a few Words

And now, for this week, something completely different...

If you're tuning in to get your usual dose of RV happy-blather, this might be a good time to step along to the next blog on your list. Instead, all I have to offer is a series of disjointed comments and observations... all of which were done during the Packers-Giants play-off game Sunday evening. Like I said above... something completely different.

The Giants just opened up scoring in this big play-off game with a field goal. The Packer defense held them to 3 points after a nice drive. OK... game on!

So many people in our culture are fixated on fruit-cake "celebrities", most of whom are not normal people, to say the least. Proof? Well, here's a list of celebrity baby names (and their celeb parent) that have recently been reported in the popular press:

Apple (Gwineth, of course)
Pilot Inspektor (Jason Lee... whoever that is)
Kal-El (Nic Cage) (Sounds like an airline, but it's not.)
Track / Trig  (Tea Party Sweetheart Sara, of course)
Spec / Hud  (John Mellencamp)
Jermajesty (Jermaine Jackson)
Sparrow (Nicole Richie) (I liked it more when I thought it was a girls name. That's right, it was hung on a boy. Brings to mind the song "A Boy Named Sue". Think he's in for a tough time of it.)
Bronx Mowgli  (Ashlee Simpson??)

In our "it's all about ME" culture, I guess these are attempts to bestow unique, one of a kind, names on kids... so they'll get off on the right foot in life. "You're so special!"

But this guy, from a recent news article from Madison Wisconsin, beats 'em all. Not sure what motivated this, but it does surely provide evidence that, just perhaps, we should consider re-opening some of our shuttered mental institutions.
MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Authorities in southern Wisconsin are facing a tongue twister thanks to the arrest of Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop. The unusually named 30-year-old man was in jail Sunday in Madison. Police say he violated his bail conditions from a previous run-in with the law. Court records show that his name used to be Jeffrey Drew Wilschke. He legally changed it in October.

The Capital Times reports that Zopittybop-Bop-Bop was arrested last week after residents complained of excessive drinking and drug use near Reynolds Park in Madison. Authorities say he was arrested in another local park last April after police found a loaded handgun in his backpack. He’s tentatively charged with carrying a concealed knife, and possession of drug paraphernalia and marijuana.
Packers answered with a field goal... and then they exchanged TDs... game tied 10-10.

Candidates for President
A few years ago, during my days in corporate America, I had an old boss that used to use a phrase that pretty well sums up the way I feel about this year's crop of candidates for the office of president. I'm talking about the lot of them... both parties... anyone who could conceivably be on the ballot in November.

"No matter how much you polish and rub and shine a turd, what you end up with is still a turd. It might have a little slick sheen to it, but it's still a turd."

I'm truly offended that we'll have to choose between two of any of them. What a zoo. To call this a rigged system is an understatement.

What if they held an election and NO ONE voted??? Well, I will no longer vote for the brightest turd. 

The Giants capitalized on a turnover with more points... but again, the defense held em to a field goal.  Giants 13, Pack 10... two minutes left in the first half.

Pet Peeves
Is it possible that the poor economy is resulting in the poor condition of the fleet of shopping carts in grocery stores? I've noticed a rash of shopping carts lately that pull to one side, thump and squeak down the isles due to square, bent, or sticky wheels, hard to push, dirty.  And why is the previous user's shopping list usually left in the bottom of the cart?  The other day I used the wrong list and came home with the makings for a 7 layer cake.
WTF... hail mary pass results in a TD for the Giants just seconds before half time.... 20-10. Comon' Pack! Sheesh!

More Pet Peeves
Tables in restaurants... always have one leg shorter than the others... tippy... drinks spilling all over the place... Why? Can't restaurant tables have legs that can be easily adjusted? I'd really rather spin an adjustment ring instead of jamming a pile of folded napkins under the short leg. I mean... com'on, this has been going on for years... maybe forever.

The Packers managed a field goal in the third quarter... now 20-13 Giants. The Pack is certainly not in championship form. And the Giants are playing tough.

Whooping Cranes
We did find some rare Whooping Cranes a few miles north of our camp the other day. They were a long way off, and the photos we took were taken through a wire mesh fence (and not so good), but we were happy to see them regardless.

click on photo to enlarge

Giants score again... a field goal in the fourth quarter... now 23-13 Giants.

Giants score yet again... capitalizing on a Packer fumble... now 30-13 Giants.

Pack scores a TD! WhooHooo! Not much time left... Giants 30-20 

Giants drive the nail in the coffin, scoring a TD with 2:36 remaining in the game... Giants 37-20.

Oh well...there's always next year!

Turds, Birds, and a few Words. That's it.  OK, I'm done bitching. And remember, Dar, it's just a game.

Have a great week.