Apr 24 - An All-Nighter

  • Explored the backs of my eye lids this morning
  • Tonight's camp:  Portal RV Park near Moab, elevation: 3900
  • Weather: morning low 54  afternoon high 92; warm sunny weather continues; a little more wind today.
  • Notables: 1. Slept in this morning... it felt so good.  2. Getting caught-up on tasks is also a good satisfying feeling.  3. As warm as it's been, we're OK with being in an RV Park... with full hookups that make it possible to run our A/C without running the generator.

Today was one of those days that fulltime RVers must have once in a while... a day for chores, getting caught up on photos, writing, and emails, paying a bill or two, restocking the larder with supplies, and a little R&R... you get the idea. Even fulltime explorers can't explore full-time.

Dar says that by the time she hit's the hay she'll be caught up with uploading  photos into our online albums, right up through yesterday's trip into Canyonlands NP. Considering the hundreds of photos that she's waded through today, that is a monumental accomplishment. Just click on the "Photo Journal" tab at the top of each page to check them out.

And I wrote the skipped Arches NP update from our trip into the Park a couple days ago. I also exchanged a few web-snagged photos on some recent posts for our own handiwork. Mostly it was the last 5 or 6 posts that were affected.

It's funny how phrases can mean something to one group of people, and something completely different to another group. Here's an example: "pulled an all-nighter".  When I was in my 20s, it would have been used something like this:  "Man, I'm soo tired.  I pulled an all-nighter last night getting ready for the final in my PoliSci course."

That's right, in those long lost days, it meant I stayed up all night... watched the sun set and then watched the sun rise again a few hours later. I'm sure we've all done it for one reason or another.

But now, as I'm getting fully immersed in my 60s, the phrase... yes, that same phrase... has taken on a new meaning. Now, when I say I "pulled an all-nighter", it means I slept strait through... never woke even once... even for natures call. It means I was zonked out by the time the sun set, slept through the night, and didn't even see the sun rise. When you're 61... it's an amazing thing... something to be proud of.

Well, last night I "pulled an all-nighter". What do you think of that?

Wonder what it's called if you do two in a row??? A double-header? 

Good Night, All.