Apr 28 - A Stay At Home Pair

  • Tonight's camp: Yuba State Park, Painted Rocks Campground near Gunnison, UT    elevation: 5050
  • No traveling or exploring today
  • Weather: morning low 30f (brrr);  high 57f; sunny calm morning; sunny breezy afternoon
  • Notables: Just soaking in the view from our camp.

That's our camp down there. (click to enlarge)
We're truly enjoying our day at this Utah State Park Campground. Did very little today... a couple walks around the grounds to get the blood flowing... Dar's working on some family tree research... I'm readin' and writin'.  The cooler temps than what we've been used to, together with the brisk wind this afternoon limited our outdoor time. But the view out the windows tells us this was the right place to stop for a couple nights.

Tomorrow, we're heading for Salt Lake City. About a two hour drive, we ought to be settled early and should have a strong Verizon signal to update the Journal.

Hope you're all having a great weekend.