Apr 30 - A Big SLC Exploring Day

  • Explored: The Utah State Capitol; Mormon Temple Square; Bingham Mine
  • Toad Miles Today:  77
  • Total Toad Miles Spring12:  906
  • Tonight's camp: Pony Express RV "Resort"  elevation: 4,200
  • Weather: morning low 46f  afternoon high 74f;  more clouds than sun today
  • Notables: 1. The Utah State Capitol Building is awesome... right up there among the best.  2. For the second "awesome" of the day... the Mormon Tabernacle Pipe Organ.  3. Visited the largest man-made excavation ever... the Bingham Canyon Open Pit Mine.  Three "awesomes" in one day.  May have to take a Valium tonight to settle myself down.
  • Link to photos from today... 3 different albums:
  • State Capitol photos.... Temple Square photos....   Bingham Canyon Mine photos

Believe it or not... this image was taken from space by a NASA
astronaut. It's the Bingham Mine near SLC.

It was a big, full day of exploring. And, once again, there's much more to write about than I have time or energy to do tonight. Over the next day or two or three, I'll get them uploaded.  Oh, and Dar's got a big problem with photos too... way more than she can wade through in a normal day.

Be patient dear readers.

Our plan was to move tomorrow, to another RV Park up in the Bingham City area. We may still do that, but there's in increasing chance of unsettled weather moving in tonight, and we may wait another day.  Depending on what we wake to tomorrow morning, we'll make the decision at that time.