On the off chance that you haven't noticed... Dar has actually completed her first post. <click here> It's about our Dec. 31 visit to the Bush Presidential Library (George the 41st Pres.) on the grounds of Texas A&M University in College Station Texas. I think she did a marvelous job and hope she will do more in the upcoming months.
In addition to her post, I wrote two others yesterday... so now my deficit is down to 5. Hmmm... now if I could just talk Dar in to doing one or two more, I'd be even closer to even.
Today, after a chilly start near freezing, we ran a few errands that took us over to the community of Dripping Springs, about 24 miles east of camp. Dripping Springs sounds like a medical condition or a negative side-effect of some medication... so I usually break into a smirk when I hear someone mention the town. We did enjoy a relaxed breakfast at a small cafe and got our chores done in short order.
Since it was only Noon, we made the 30 mile drive to the south to explore a COE campground on the north end of Canyon Lake. Named Potters Creek COE, it's a real possibility for us for our next trip through. Up to the usual high COE standards, the campsites are level and nicely separated to keep your nose out of your neighbor's business. The lake is down considerably from full pool, something you'd expect after the extended drought here in Texas.
Once back at the bus-house we got back to work on photos and writing... and darkness fell. We made some progress today.