Feb 28 - "Saints be Praised..."

Attached photo was taken about 1pm today, February 28. Yes, that's the much-coveted Columbia River in the background. And those'd be just sweatshirts we're wearing. And that'd be blue sky up there above our heads. Saints be praised...I knew it was there all along. In the PNW one is to be forgiven for loosing faith... for doubting that sun and blue sky even exists any longer. But days like today, well, they're just the best and our faith in the future is restored.

But all that aside, the best thing about that photo is that we were having lunch... outside.  That's right, it's February and we're dining al fresco in the PNW. Family and friends in the Midwest probably don't want to hear about this (temps below zero there again this weekend), but we're really soaking it in.

After lunch we walked the Washougal River Greenspace Trail. And I think I've got a little color back in my pale face.

1 comment:

  1. We spent May and June of 2008 near Astoria, OR, and the sun only came out 6 days. I know what you mean. Enjoy. And check out Arizona next winter.
