The Mat-Su

We're currently in what they call the Mat-Su Valley of Alaska. It's a reference to the broad flat plain to the north of Anchorage formed by two rivers... the Matanuska, which we camped next to the other night, and the Susitna, which we're going to be near for while.

Over the last week we've had some good weather and some great experiences... which you'll be able to read about this weekend when I put the post up.

Since we don't have much internet connection up here, I've been continuing to write most days, but doing so offline. My intention now is to publish the weeks collective goings-on in one post that I'll publish on the weekend, or as soon after as possible... assuming I have internet available.

I also found out that the links to our photo albums that I included in a post recently don't work for everybody. For those links to work you must have a Google Account, and that ain't gonna work for some. The best way to get to our photo albums is to click on the tab at the top of the blog that says "Pics". The latest albums are always at the top. We do hope you'll check in on them to get a visual perspective of what we've been up to.

And, lastly, there are a few new posts I put up tonight... right below this one... right... down... there.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures and thanks for the captions.

    Please be careful on the road.
