Future Fuzziness

I’ve been a little distracted the last few days. Here, in our little community in the Umpqua Valley of South Central Oregon, some members (remember, this is a co-op) made a grave mistake and elected me to the Board.  Not only that, I’m the Board Secretary too, which just happens to be the position with the highest workload. For about a week or so in the middle of the month, our required monthly Board meetings take precedence over other interests and duties. But I’m not complaining, mind you. I find it interesting and a nice break from what could be the much more boring routine I’d have otherwise.

Having now explained my lack of Inadvertent Farts during the last week, let’s look forward. Let’s look into the future and see what we can see.

What’s this? All I see is fuzziness and chaos. Of course I’m talking about the mess in Washington D.C., which can… oh let’s see…  just affect every aspect of our lives if it gets bad enough. Regardless of which political extreme you’re on, there’s little consensus on what the near future will look like or what it means for ordinary moderate folk like us. I think we all can agree that there’s a distinct lack of certainty about the future. Cutting out waste and fraud is good, but doing it with vindictiveness is not. There are people, real people, with real lives, real kids, who have been dedicated to their jobs and really trying to do a good job for the citizens of the USA. And they are full fledged human beings, not the sub-human life forms some have decided to consider them. In war, one of the first priorities is to define your enemy as something other than human, such as “nips”, or “gooks”... (or “libs”?). With that accomplished, it’s far easier for nut-job dictators to find people who will enthusiastically eradicate them. 

I don’t know, but I still hang onto the old fashioned notion that we’re all brothers and sisters in this marvelous country. We can argue, we can disagree, we can even give each other the silent treatment. But ultimately, we should be trying to work this out together. As human beings.

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