Rally Kick-off

Monday, Feb. 25, 2008 -- Pomona CA Fairplex

I heard today that there were about 2500 motorhomes that had pre-registered for this convention. There were some no-shows so the best guess at this point is that something like 2200 showed up. Maybe we'll get an update later in the week.

This convention used to attract 4000 to 5000 units, but, according to some vendors I talked to today, FMCA is here in Pomona every year and it's just getting old for those close-by folks who are the core of the attendees. It's like going to the county fair every year -- after a while you've had enough corn dogs and want pizza or gyros, or drive down to Madison for a night on the town. I'm sure fuel prices and the weakening economy are having an effect as well. So, it'll be interesting to see what happens with this convention in future years.

How about this? The motorhome manufacturers that are displaying their latest and greatest models here at the show brought in a total of 850 units -- yes, that's right -- 850 motorhomes for the convention attendees to peruse and take for a test drive. That's one new unit on display for every three units brought in by attendees. You know that's not going to continue much longer.

Oh, and the highlight of the day was the Segway -- that two wheeled transportation thing that you ride standing up. Both Dar and I took an opportunity to take a test drive. It was as easy as it looks but takes a couple minutes of familiarization. It's a matter of just thinking about where you want to go and it'll take you. I know what you're thinking... "but Thom, I need the walk -- I need the exercise". And you're right. If this thing ever catches on in a big way general health conditions will decline even further.

I'm told the "in" people here in LA ride their Segways to the gym. It's LA -- what can I say?


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