April Weather in July

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Beaver Dam, WI

Nature has a way of keeping us on our toes. A couple weeks ago we were enduring punishing heat and high humidity. The past few days it's been positively spring-like, with low temps in the 50s and highs only in the 60s. Yesterday was cloudy and windy, blustery and downright cold. The high for the day was only 64f. I guess if you average the past few weeks together we're having an average summer -- just to show how misleading statistics can be.

The hitch receiver for the Focus arrived, so I took the opportunity to install it -- and it bolted on without a "hitch". So when the bike rack arrives I can finish up with that part of toad2. I  also took another long walk up the newly mowed hay field next to the barn here at the Farm. It's a half mile to the end of the field at the other end so making two round trips is a couple miles. I certainly need the exercise as I've been lax about it this summer.

Later this afternoon we're going to attend a class reunion... my 40th high school class reunion. These events used to be big expensive deals at the country club with everyone trying to convince the others how thin and young they look, or how successful they are, or how much exotic travel they've done. Not any more. After 40 years I think most people are just who they are, or, at least, can't hide it any more. This year it's being held at a bar in downtown Beaver Dam. Total cost was $10 a head, so I'm not expecting much. I'll write a full report tomorrow.

We're still planning to leave the Farm and head North on Monday. The destination will be a small National Forest Campground in the U.P. of Michigan where Dar's family is having their annual two week summer camping vacation. With temps predicted to be mostly in the 60's there may not be much water skiing going on.

Till tomorrow...


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