Bus-House Makes it to Baker

evening edition

We're at a small RV Park in Baker, NV. We made it after a very agreeable day of traveling a big 374 miles -- a huge day for us. There may only be one or two other days since we started the Sabbatical project that exceed that number. We don't do long drives like this as a matter of course, but we're trying to get out of the way of a storm and cold front that are due through this part of the country Monday night and Tuesday -- very cold and snow they say. By making it to Baker, we're positioned for a good solid day in The Great Basin National Park tomorrow, Sunday. Then we'll make our escape down a smaller State road to the Southeast, into Utah, on Monday and should be able to find safe haven for a few days near the entrance to Zion National Park.

There is NO cell phone service here in Baker. The only reason I'm able to post this entry is that I'm glomming onto an unsecured WIFI signal from some unknowingly-generous local resident. But I won't take advantage of the situation and will keep this brief.

I'll write more about our drive today later and will post that entry when I get a chance.

In Baker, NV.

1 comment:

  1. When you go to Zion, try Sand Hollow State Park in Hurricane, about 20 miles west of the Zion Entrance. It is a great state park, about 16 miles from St. George.
