Camped In Zion National Park

This will be a quick and short update.

We left Baker, NV. this morning, Monday, just a few minutes after 9am. The predictors of the future, those practictioners of the dark science of meteorology, are relentless in their prognostications that the next few days will be the first blast of real winter in these parts of the Great Basin. So off we lumbered, to the Southeast, in search of safe haven from the storm.

With a bright sun and blue sky, the drive was agreeable. Despite the generally poorer roads encountered in Utah, we made it all the way to Zion National Park about 4pm, after having traveled almost 200 miles and lost an hour of time crossing the border. The drive into Zion, especially with an afternoon sun lighting up the mesas and cliffs ahead of you, is simply nothing short of spectacular. Dar is still recovering from a serious case of the vapors after having seen the colors and dramatic mountain-scapes she saw today.


Although Watchman Campground inside the Park is busier than I anticipated, we were able to find a space for the next week. After seeing the Ken Burns film on the National Parks, and getting a glimpse into the efforts that went into making these places a reality, we're going to try to stay longer when we visit them and take the time to really see and appreciate these things for the treasures they are.

I will still be posting an entry on our day in the Great Basin National Park, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. I'll post-date it so it's included in the journal in chronological order.

In Zion National Park

1 comment:

  1. Zion is a "wannna do" for Shirleen and I so I'll be extra interested in your pictures and thoughts on this region.
