After moving campsites yesterday, we hung out close to the camper most of the day. The terrible nasty weather never materialized, at least not here. We must be just far enough south to miss the worst of it. We had clouds much the morning and early afternoon, but about 2pm or so, the skies cleared and bright blue sky held the rest of the day. It was colder though -- low 50's, and a brisk wind made it feel colder than it really was. Today we woke to 32f, clouds, and a predicted high in the 40's. But starting tomorrow, Thursday, the forecast is improving nicely with clear skies and temps into the 60's and 70's by the weekend. In the mountainous west, when the sun comes out it warms up quickly.
Today we're going to start exploring the Park in earnest. I'm sure my next journal entry will be more interesting.
In Zion N.P.
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