Saying Good-Bye

We had a wonderful evening over at Andrea & Gage's place last night. After dinner at a popular Mexican restaurant in Camas, we went back to the house and talked and watched old videos of the kids and savored those last hours, minutes, seconds before we had to go. The kids, Ryan and Evan, stayed up later than normal and (was it my imaginatiion?) seemed a bit sad too. Dar wanted to be the one to put each of them to bed before we left.

We've had a marvelous visit this past 6 weeks. The opportunity to be surrogate-parents to two of the best little Grandsons I can imagine, for a whole 9 days, was the highlight of the stop. I really bonded with these two little guys and I'm dreading the upcoming separation. Since the bus-house has wheels, we know we'll be back... maybe even this next spring. Thanks Andrea & Gage for a wonderful time.

So this morning while I'm jotting down these words, Dar is scampering around the bus-house stowing those last few things, making sure the contents of cabinets and the fridge are secure, and making the final inside preparations for leaving. I did most of my outside chores yesterday, but those remaining will be handled quickly. We're getting back into exploring mode.

If we can get moving by 10am we should be able to beat the promised rain that's moving into the Portland area. Our drive will be an easy one today... east on I-84 for 130 miles to Arlington, OR. We'll find a place to hunker down along the Columbia River somewhere nearby and take a day or so to do nothing... maybe think a bit, reflect on the last few weeks, and what we'd like to explore during the next few weeks.



  1. Folks, have been following your adventure for quite some time and really enjoy the trip with you two. Parting with the Grandkids is quite emotional, especially the younger ones, not yet in their teenage years. It is very easy to become attached to them. We live in Kentucky and our three grandchildren live in Salt Lake City,UT, and we certainly do not get to see enough of them...tough being an engaged grandparent with this separation.
    Again, I really enjoy following your day to day ventures, thanks for sharing, Marty & Roz Hill

  2. Marty, thanks for those kind words, and for checking in on our explorations. It sounds like you've got a similar situation with the Grandkids and are probably suffering from a case of GS too. Hang in there.

