As we contemplate our escape from Sandollar and the Coastal Bend of Texas in two weeks, I started looking ahead to see what we can expect this spring. From a weather perspective, the Climate Prediction Center is thinking the month of March will continue the pattern of cool and wet conditions for the southern half of the country.
The blue areas on this map indicate where there's a good chance temperatures will be below normal during March.
And the green areas on this map show where precipitation could be above normal.
I don't put much stock in these predictions, having found that there's a pretty darn good chance that they're wrong. But it seems the general El Nino' pattern we've been experiencing this winter may well continue into Spring.
Our plan at this point is to take a more direct line back to the Midwest than we were thinking just a few weeks ago. We have about two months before we want to be back in Wisconsin and pushing to explore the Four Corners area of Utah and Colorado wouldn't be doing justice to all that there is to see and experience there.
Instead, we're hoping to explore Northern Texas and parts of Oklahoma and Kansas as we follow the northward progression of Spring -- buds, new leaves, blossoms, bees, blooms, grass, warmth, color, and fresh air. Of course, for some people, there might be a price to be paid to see this annual show... a "pollen penalty" of sneezing and stuffiness. But it's a grand display that's probably worth the price of admission.
Stocking up on anti-histamines...
A Minimalist
A Minimalist A blog post I've recently been involved with helping to clear out the living spaces of someone who died. These are a few of...
Slightly Better than Most
This past Tuesday, we moved from Branson to a very nice Corps of Engineer’s Park on Wappapello Lake. We’re in the Redman Creek CG. This fac...
A Minimalist A blog post I've recently been involved with helping to clear out the living spaces of someone who died. These are a few of...
Recently, I've heard a couple of people say it was easier to follow our travels and our whereabouts when I kept a current blog. I'v...