The Home Stretch

It's been a few days since I made an entry here -- another of those breaks I seem to take from time to time. We're getting along fine and are mentally prepared to blow out'a town in about a week. Unfortunately, we're not physically ready, as there's still a long list of things that need to be done before departure.

Dar's worked three days this week, and she's been battling a cold virus at the same time. She works 12 hour shifts -- from 7am until 7pm -- and by the time she wraps up all the necessary record keeping and paperwork, she can easily turn these 12 hour shifts into 14 or 15 hours. Thus, on those days, there's little time for anything else except sleep.

Her working stint at the hospital is coming to an end... I think her last day is the 5th of March. It's been a good diversion for her and she's generally felt good about contributing to the care of people who aren't feeling the best. As a result of this work experience she feels more prepared if other opportunities like this pop up when we're camped somewhere for a few months.

Yesterday, Friday, after Dar left for work I had a sudden burst of ambition. By the end of the day I had scrubbed the entire exterior of the bus-house. Parking this close to the Gulf of Mexico, there's a fine spray of saltwater that accompanies common southeasterly breezes and it's a good idea to remove this layer once in a while. This project was one of the biggest items on our pre-move checklist and it felt good to have it done and out of the way.

The weather has improved -- a lot more sun than we've been used to. And with being outside so much the past few days I've got a red face to prove it.

Today we're attending a big shindig hosted by our friends Tony and Nyla here at Sandollar. A lot of people are leaving soon -- another sign of Spring -- and this will be a good opportunity for one more get-together... kind of a good-bye party.

Until next time...

A Minimalist

A Minimalist A blog post I've recently been involved with helping to clear out the living spaces of someone who died. These are a few of...

Slightly Better than Most