It's one of those things I really like about our life right now... discovering something like the birthplace of Will Rogers just down the road a piece from our camp near Oologah. And then finding the Will Rogers Memorial Museum a little further down the road, in the opposite direction. And then taking the time to learn more about this one-of-a-kind cowboy, what made him tick, and how he fits into the historical fabric of the USA. It's an eye-popper!
I had heard of Will Rogers... thought I knew a little about him too. I'd seen photos, heard audio clips, and generally knew he was a humorist and respected commentator back in the 20's or 30's. But I couldn't have told you he was from Oklahoma if I had a gun to my head. And I certainly didn't know anything close to the full story of his life. Some of these deficiencies I took care of today.
I could hammer away on the keys and try to adequately recreate a little of what we learned today, but I won't. This website... ... covers the subject in much greater detail and probably more accuracy. If you spend a few minutes looking it over you might get hooked.
Oh, and if you've never heard of Will Rogers (1879 - 1935), you have a choice. Either forget I mentioned the name and press on to the next item in your blog-roll... or take some time to learn about this truly unique, intelligent, and fun individual. And see if you can't get a lesson or two about dealing with life.
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