Potosi Brewing Company

One of our little dark secrets is that we both really enjoy brewpubs and wineries as we travel throughout the USA. I can't say we've ever had anything other than a great time while sampling the wide varieties of craft beers and wines that these establishments create. And the good-natured, like-minded folks we meet during these visits just add to the enjoyable experience. I mean, who can be grumpy in a winery or a brewpub?

Benjamin Franklin once said "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to have a good time." So, in pursuit of a good time, we came back to this Corp of Engineers Campground, conveniently situated close to Potosi, WI., the home of the historic Potosi Brewery. We were here back in October of 2008 when I documented our visit to the National Brewing Museum [link to Journal post], which is housed in the refurbished Potosi Brewery.

What I didn't write about at that time was the small micro brewery, brewpub and restaurant known as the Potosi Brewing Company (PBC) that's also housed on the old brewery grounds... and that's what we focused on this year.

My preference for "craft beer" has grown stronger over the years, and has apparently rubbed off on Dar. She absolutely fell in love with one of their concoctions called Scotch Ale, among their more robust offerings. My preference has tended more toward the "hoppy" side of things, and I'm a sucker of most any IPA (India Pale Ale) that's made. PBC brews one called Snake Hollow that kept my interest most of the week.

During the past few days we've had lunch there, dinner there, enjoyed happy hour there, and, as you'd expect, gotten to know almost everyone on a first name basis. The crew is as laid-back and as friendly as you'd expect an establishment like this in Rural Wisconsin to be. We especially enjoyed meeting Steve Buszka, the Brewmaster and magician who creates these unique and tasty brews.

If you find yourself in the extreme Southwest corner of Wisconsin -- and you should as the countryside itself is stunning and unlike anything in the rest of Wisconsin -- take some time to visit Potosi and the Potosi Brewing Company. You'll be glad you did.

Tuesday morning we'll be pulling up the jacks and getting the bus-house rolling toward Beaver Dam. The weather looks agreeable and the short drive should have us there by mid-afternoon.


1 comment:

  1. I tease my DH that he is a beer snob, he loves to try different crafted brews and brewpubs are some of our favorite places. DH has family in the Madison area (unincorporated Riley actually). One of our favorite brewpubs is on the Military Ridge bike trail in Mt. Horeb called the "Grumpy Troll". We like it particularly because we can bike and have great beer all in the same trip. We are going to have to check out Potosi too! :)
