Sparky Spokane

As I mentioned in yesterday's post Dar and I trekked on down to Spokane yesterday afternoon. After meeting up with Julianne and Jimmy, we had a snack and then walked through the Riverfront Park area of downtown. The Spokane River runs through downtown and the area was spruced up for the 1974 Worlds Fair -- Expo '74. A few structures remain from the fair but the park that brackets the river is a wonderful asset for the city. Even though it was Sunday there was so much going on and the place just seemed so vibrant.

Live entertainment at the rooftop party.
I don't think I mentioned that J&J had also invited us to a rooftop party held annually by a photographer who's very well connected in the Spokane arts community. And what a party it was. During the afternoon we met a bunch of interesting and talented folks... architects, dancers, painters, sculptors, writers, and many more that aren't popping to mind right now. Everyone was so friendly and gracious and talkative... we had a very good time. We were told by a number of people that this party is probably the premier party for the Spokane arts scene. And we were there! Wow.  Thanks so much Julianne and Jimmy. We'll see you guys "down the road".

Julianne and Jimmy, with the Spokane River in the background.
Today we slept in and just let nature take it's course... just went with the flow. A short bike ride, some research on the web, planning dinner, getting ready to move tomorrow morning. It was a nice easy day to enjoy the great weather and prepare for the last legs of our fall trip.

Outside... feet up... typing away...

No deceptive business practices here.. In Spokane they "tell it like it is"!
Oh, and a couple days ago we hit the 30,000 mile mark with the bus-house.

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