Weddings and Raptures

Chippewa Falls, WI. is where we find ourselves this morning. We're here for a family wedding... Dar's nephew Joel is tying the knot with his betrothed, Mandy this afternoon. We wish them nothing but the best as they start their life together.

But how did it happen that they're getting married on the very day of the rapture? For the record, a California evangelical broadcaster... one Harold Camping... has predicted the long awaited event will take place at 6pm tonight. (Conveniently, it's going to happen at 6pm local time regardless of where are the planet you live. Wow!) According to the prediction those souls who are going to heaven will be plucked from amidst the rest of us sinners and whisked directly into heaven during the day today. The rest of us will have about 5 more months to suffer (wars, earthquakes, volcanoes, floods... all the bad things you can imagine) until the worlds comes to a complete end in October.

Considering that as I write this, 6pm has already come and gone for Australia and much of Asia, and I'm seeing no reports of missing people or earthquakes yet... I think it's safe to say that old Harold Camping is wrong... once again. Perhaps, as the sun rises on Sunday, we can begin to forget about one more loony-toon wacko and get on with the business of living rational lives again.  (Well, I can dream, can't I.)

I hope it will be a long time before I have to do the motel thing again. Among cranky noisy heaters/air conditioners, too soft mattresses, pillows of odd shapes and fills, light weight blankets that are even shorter than the always too short sheets, schlepping bags, packing... well it all makes me long for the bus-house and our comfortable digs.

1 comment:

  1. Old weird Harold has been wrong before, go figure. I'd be mighty upset if he was actually right this time with all the work we're doing to get the house ready for sale. That would be my luck.

    Posted at 6:01 PM EST. I guess we're all safe again! :c)
