On the Shores of Smith Lake

It's Sunday. And after some rain last night it seems somewhat less humid but still warm.

I've been working on updating the journal and have posted a new entry for August 3rd titled Lake Pepin Tour. I'm also working on an entry about our day on the rivers around St. Paul with Jim and Sue. That will be coming later tonight or first thing in the morning.

Dar's been "heads down" in her computer with her ancestry and family tree research... hasn't said much to me at all today. I hope I haven't screwed up in some way to cause this lack of communication. Since I'm a "glass half full" kind of guy, I'll just assume she's consumed by her work and not grumpy with me. Dar?

I don't know if you've noticed but I've changed the way two "tabs" on our website work:  the "Photos" tab now takes the curious clicker directly to our online photo albums... simply and swiftly. It's also makes for one less page I have to maintain. And the "Videos" tab now works much the same way... taking the curious clicker directly to our YouTube page which lists our videos, latest one at the top. I'll try this for a while and see if any issues crop up.

We're planning to head further west mid-week... probably Wednesday... trying to snag a campsite near the swelled up Missouri River near Yankton, South Dakota, ahead of the next weekend crowd. It's August and weekend campers are everywhere. But come Sunday afternoon, they're almost running over each other trying to get to the dump station and on their way home "before the crowd". Some may love work sooo much that they can't wait to get back and ready for Monday morning. Others may just be sick of two days in the outdoors, with kids, dogs, mosquitoes, smokey campfires, and no TV reception. In any event, the park will be more than half empty tonight. And that's how I like it.


  1. How long do you think it'll take before Dar finds out she's related to Kevin Bacon? ;c)

    Enjoying your travel posts once again, we were having withdrawal symptoms...

  2. Hmmm. Kevin Bacon??? Do you see a resemblance?
