Apr 19 - Quiet Day at Goosenecks

  • Tonight's camp: Goosenecks State Park in Utah
  • No traveling or exploring today; one short hike from camp
  • Weather: morning low 55;  afternoon high 79; light morning shower, clouds break to give us some clear afternoon sky; wind out of north
  • Notables: 1. A Writer's marathon this morning... punched out 4 posts (including this one).  2. Still in awe at being camped next to a 1,000 foot dropoff into the Goosenecks of San Juan Canyon.  3. We hiked to the end of the Gooseneck bluff we're camped atop. Incredible views and some neat photos.
  • Link to a few photos from today.

Hey a treat!  A short post tonight. Today was a day we had few objectives. First, to write and process photos from our last few days of exploring. And second, to just enjoy the place we're camped... to perhaps take a hike out to the end of the bluff we're camped on.

I'm happy to report we nearly, almost completely accomplished what little we set out to do. The hike was the highlight of the day... about two and a half miles round trip. With this place, photos do a much better job of describing what we're experiencing than my words can. So take your time to check out the photos and quit reading now. (photos will be delayed until we find a better internet connection)

After one more night here in this quiet paradise, we're heading to Moab tomorrow.