Apr 5 - Ready to Roll

  • Tonight's camp: SKP Lone Star Corral, Hondo
  • No traveling or exploring today
  • Weather: morning low 52, high 91, Nary a cloud in the sky; a little more humid than yesterday
  • Notables: 1. A day of total rest and relaxation. Wrote a little, read a little, spent much of the day with our two heads in an atlas trying to absorb all there is to see in the next few months. 2. Prepared the bus-house for a morning departure. 3. Discovered the secret to peeling hard boiled eggs. Someday I might share it.

A short entry tonight.

We're heading out tomorrow morning for parts northwest. If everything is running smoothly we might go about 250 miles before looking for a place to overnight.

I haven't found anyone to repair our windshield gush yet. Most tell me it's probably too big for an effective repair. I'm thinking about another home remedy, but delaying it's implementation lest I finally find someone willing to work on it until they find out I've messed with it. There's also the "hope" strategy... let's all hope a crack doesn't develop that runs right through the driver's view.

It's only April but these summertime temps have settled on south Texas in a big way. We've actually started to acclimate so will probably be complaining when we get to high-country and have to deal with lows in the 30's.