May 3 - Catch Up (and Mustard)

  • Tonight's camp: Golden Spike RV Park in Brigham City, UT. elevation 4,230:
  • No traveling or exploring today
  • Weather: morning low 54f;  high 64; mostly cloudy - no rain
  • Notables: Getting caught up... reducing your backlog of things to do... is a great feelling.
  • No photos today

Just a short recap of today's work. We completed journal entries and photos for most of our last few days of exploring.  Here's a list of what we did today. The links to the photo albums are included in each post.

April 30 - The Utah State Capitol

April 30 - Salt Lake City Temple Square

April 30 - Bingham Mine... the biggest man-made hole in the world.

May 2 - The Golden Spike National Historic Sight

Tomorrow, we head out on the road again... into Idaho. Hmmm... potatoes. We'll know where we end up tomorrow night when we get there.

p.s.  I have no idea what the mustard reference in the title of this post means... other than I'm tired and getting punchy and going to bed now.